Welcome to the hio Buckeye Chapter Birthplace of Aviation |
We are a very friendly, sociable, family-oriented chapter of the SWPC. Spouses, children, and grand-children are welcome at all activities. Our fly-ins are known for fun, food, fellowship and flying. With four A&P/IAs in the chapter, three of whom volunteer as SWPC Technical Advisors [listed on the Newsletters page], members and visitors can get knowledgeable answers to their operating and technical questions. Meetings are held typically the second Saturday of each month and sometimes on Sundays, but usually rescheduled for Mothers' and Fathers' Day holidays. To find out the time and location each month click on the MEETINGS button above. Not all members are active pilots, and you don't have to own a Short Wing Piper airplane, either. Come to one of our monthly fly-ins and get to know us. You won't be a stranger for long.
I laugh more than other Men, I look up and see more than they. I know how the clouds feel, What it's like to have the blue in my lap, To look down on Birds, To feel freedom in a thing called the Stick. Who but I Can slice between God's billowed legs, And feel them laugh and crash with His step? Who else has seen the unclimbed peaks? The rainbow's secret? The real reason birds sing? Because I fly, I envy no man on earth. --- Grover C. Norwood Chapter officers can be contacted at: President: Tom Anderson 513-398-2656 Vice-President: Tom Schulze 419-988-3343 Secretary/Treasurer: Ralph Widman 937-364-6050 Newsletter Editor: Dale Kirby Visitors Webmaster: R. Gutowski Copyright 2018-2021, SWPC |
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